What is a salary sacrifice?

What is a salary sacrifice?

A salary sacrifice arrangement is an agreement to reduce an employee’s entitlement to pay, usually in return for a non-cash benefit. The tax and NIC advantages of certain benefits provided as part of

What your tax code means

What your tax code means

The letters in your tax code signify your entitlement (or not) to the annual tax-free personal allowance. The tax codes are updated annually and help employer’s work out how much tax to deduct from an

Employing someone step by step

Employing someone step by step

There are a multitude of rules and regulations that you must be aware of when you employ staff.

HMRC’s guidance (entitled Employ someone: step by step) sets out some important issues to be aware of

Tax relief for job expenses

Tax relief for job expenses

Employees who are working from home may be able to claim tax relief for bills they pay that are related to their work.

Employers may reimburse employees for the additional household expenses incurred

Working from home

Working from home

If you receive no compensation from your employer, you can still claim tax relief for certain costs that arise when working from home. HMRC will usually allow you to claim tax relief if you use your

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